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Your driving test result


You’ll pass your test if you make:

  • 15 or fewer driving faults (commonly known as minors)

  • no serious or dangerous faults


When the driving test has ended, you can call your instructor over if they didn’t go with you on your test. This is so they can listen to the result and help you with any feedback afterwards.


The examiner will:

  • tell you if you passed or not

  • explain how you did during the test


The different types of faults


There are 3 types of faults that can be marked:

  • a dangerous fault - involves actual danger to you, the examiner, the public or property

  • a serious fault - could potentially be dangerous

  • a driving fault - not potentially dangerous, but if you make the same fault throughout your test it could become a serious fault

If you pass your test


The examiner will give you a pass certificate if you pass the test. They will also ask you if you want your full licence to be sent to you automatically.


Once you have passed your test you can start driving straight away - you don’t need to wait for your full licence to arrive, subject to the correct insurance.


If you don’t pass


You have to wait another 10 working days before you can take another test if you don’t pass.  This can be booked immediately but for at least 10 working days ahead


Feedback on how eco-efficient your driving is


The examiner will also give you feedback about how eco-efficient your driving is.

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